Ethiopian grade 10 student textbook

Ethiopian grade 10 Student Textbook PDF


Ethiopian grade 10 TextBook

Book Lists

Ethiopian Grade 10 Textbook Overview

In Ethiopia,grade 10 is found in secondary education which is known as generalsecondary education. Secondary Education consists of 2 years of thecycle (grades 9 and 10). The goal of the first cycle(Grade 10 also grade9) of secondary education is to provide general education that willenable students to identify their needs, interests, and potential sothat they can choose their field of study.

  1. English
  2. Amharic
  3. Mathematics
  4. Information Technology(ICT)
  5. Civics & Ethical Education
  6. Biology
  7. Chemistry
  8. Physics
  9. Geography
  10. History
  11. Physical Education